Now that we’ve certified the first trained Marxan instructors in North America, PacMARA is getting ready to hold Introduction to Marxan courses this fall. Marxan is a widely recognised site-selection tool that has been used extensively in the design of marine and terrestrial reserves and management areas worldwide. With Marxan, planners can identify an efficient system of sites that include a suite of ecological and/or socio-economic targets at a minimal cost.  For anyone working in integrated coastal or ocean management and planning, this free software (together with the spatial data you have access to) will greatly facilitate smart decision making that takes into account a broad range considerations and tradeoffs.

This hands-on course will provide participants with the basic knowledge and skills necessary to use Marxan in a marine conservation planning exercise.

For more information, please see: Introduction to Marxan

If you are interested in a course, have your say about when and where you’d like it by clicking here.

And don’t forget to check out updates to the just released Version 2 of the Marxan Good Practices Handbook here!