Board Member Henry Kucera was interviewed in “Sensors & Systems”, a site focused on making sense of global change.
We have included a few especially interesting excerpts here to whet your appetite:
“There’s an ongoing need to apply spatial and temporal intelligence to make sense of change. The Pacific Marine Analysis and Research Association (PacMARA) is an organization that is applying decision support tools for ecosystem-based decision making for marine spatial planning.”
“PacMARA is enabling a community of practice that knows how to use methods, information, and technology. It is using community-building methods to get people to understand complex problems. Both PacMARA and individuals I consult with are members of a network of people who continue to develop and use these techniques. We also continue to work on another piece of methodology all related to outcome mapping, which is an integrated planning process. Now that you’ve identified your challenge dialogue strategy, the second part is to actually build actionable plans through outcome mapping that involve multiple members of a diverse community and address complex problems. The complex problem can relate to salmon habitat sustainability or sustainable energy or anything like that.”
“If you could pick some issues that would galvanize action from multiple communities—such as addressing the challenges in the Arctic—that might make a difference. The United States, Canada, and the Scandinavian countries have Arctic strategies and are coming together through the Arctic Council. They have agreed on key organizing principles. The biggest challenge, however, is for science, the techniques, the technology, and the political side of it to come up with an agenda.”
“For PacMARA, we’d like to get more sustainable funding. We’d like to continue to grow the number of different methods and tools that we teach people about and we’d like to continue to build our network out as planned. We are working with governments and legislatures around the world, as well as with other environmental non-profit organizations around the world and we are building our network.”
Please click here for the full article.